Thursday, September 17, 2009


Some requirements that I have come up with:

- unit needs to be able to withstand sustained temperatures of 120 degrees F
- the refrigerator unit needs to be able to be lifted by 2 people
- unit must be big enough to store milk and cheese...indefinitely?
- unit must be able to be transported by a vehicle
- refrigerator must keep food under 40 degrees without charge for at least 3 hours
- unit must be comparable in cost to leading solar refrigerators...and hopefully better

Please feel free to post any other requirements.
Here is the statement of work on the senior design website for reference.


  1. i like posting comments

  2. I measured the heat leak rate of the SunDanzer 5.8 cu.ft. cabinet. It's about 0.34 Watts/deg F.
